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Safety Absolutes
Fall Protection Standard
Fall Protection Standard
Every Team member working at heights is accountable to this standard, which includes all work over 4ft. above grade and is outside of the confines of approved platforms. Theseoperationsrequire100%fallprotection. Safety devices(i.e.,harnesses, lanyards and anchors) must conform tos hock load requirements.
Confined Space Access and Entry Control
Confined Space
Only access work areas designated as a confined space through a permit system that controls all entries and establishes specific precautions fort hat confined space. Prior to confined space entry, you must complete the requisite training, perform gas tests and requirements as well as station a safety watch at the entry point. All of these steps must be in place before any work within the confined space can proceed.
Energy Isolation
Violation of Energy Isolation Procedure
When energizing mechanical or electrical systems(including both temporary and permanent installations) do not perform work without a permit controlled isolation procedure. The procedure must establish the control, process and precautions to protect personnel from exposure to stored energy. Follow isolation procedures through permit to work, and obtain authorization before removing or disabling any isolation device. Additionally, follow all conditions of construction and/or operations permits as detailed.
Tampering/Bypassing Safety Devices
Tampering/Bypassing Safety Devices and Emergency Response Equipment
Safety devices are provided and intended to protect personnel from injury, emergency response equipment to contain incidents and safe remove personnel from event areas. Anyone who tampers with, alters, removes, bypasses or damages safety devices or emergency response equipment is directly placing others at risk, and is reason for immediate termination and could face prosecution based on event severity
Safety Barriers
Blatant Disregard for Safety Barriers and Precautions
Occasionally, there is a need to erect barriers, flagging and precautions to contain areas of imminent danger, where unauthorized access creates a significant risk. Examples include guards around open holes, red flagging around controlled work areas, and radiation placards around testing operations. USA Debusk has zero tolerance for any disregard of safety barriers.
Unauthorized Scaffold Modification
Unauthorized Modification of Scaffolding or Work Platforms
Occasionally, there is a need to modify scaffolding and/or work platforms to meet the requirements of correct access. Execute ALL modifications using trained, qualified and competent scaffold personnel assigned to that specific task.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Alcohol and Drug Policy and Procedure Violation
The project will ensure a safe workplace for all workers by reducing the risks associated with the use of alcohol and drugs. Violationofthealcoholanddrugpolicywillresultindisciplineortermination,dependingonthe facts of the case, the nature of the violation, any existing prior violations, response to prior corrective measures and the seriousness of the violation.
Motor Vehicle and Equiptment Operation
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle/Operating Equipment without the Proper Authority or Qualifications
Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle includes but is not limited to using a cell phone while driving a company vehicle, driving a company vehicle under the influence, no/improper driving credential and reckless driving. Employees will not operate equipment unless he/she has training to a competent standard. Operators must have in their possession copies of licenses, certifications or approval to operate the specific equipment.
Permit Requirements
Violation of Permit Requirements
Permit violations are a serious breach of HSE and integrity. Non-compliance with these requirements will result in immediate discipline, up to and including removal from site.
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